Friday, July 13, 2007

State of the Internet by Todd Pelow

It is now 2007, says Todd Pelow, and we have seen the explosions of social networking and video ads come to fruition.

What's next? Todd Pelow, a savvy Internet Entrepreneur who has lived through the "First" bubble and has witnessed the explosion of Internet Search and pay per click advertising, thinks he knows what is next and why.

"We are beginning to see the results of a major evolutional change", Todd Pelow said. "One of several that will change the way we look at interacting with computers. It is all evolving, including and most importantly User's and the way they are utilize computers. We spend significantly less time at the computer sending emails than we did a few years ago, thanks to mobile email devices. Browsing hasn't changed much, but like I said earlier, we are on the cusp of that evolution." Todd Pelow thinks we are just now seeing the signs of what is to come.

Todd Pelow goes to on to say that, "all of us, users, are now real content providers. Content providers with value. With coined phrases like "Generation Cash" depict what users really want. Money!" That's right. Todd Pelow believes that we should all get paid for our content.

As the costs of technology dropped and the social acceptance of online expression increased, a new cross cultural generation formed. Suitably empowered, this new generation expressed themselves like never before. Terabytes of user created content were published online giving rise to new sharing sites, new social sites, and a new appreciation for content.

The evolution of this content generation was a simple one, it required nothing more than a shift in perspective, a simple awakening, and this occurred when this generation realized the Terabytes of content they were creating for free - had value. And so generation content became generation cash.

I posed the question to Todd Pelow, "How can that happen?" Todd Pelow replies, "It's simple. Allow advertisers to interact with Users in real time with real offers for their content."

The new Internet undoubtedly provides an exciting vehicle for social connection and networking, linking people together based on common interests and without concern to geographic limits. With a click of the mouse, anyone can be a journalist, a movie make, a photographer, a DJ, or a producer. The audience - the 1 Billion-plus users linked by the Web -- itself is creating a new type of social media, and with it completely new markets and revenue opportunities.

Todd Pelow notes that the biggest change we see is the elimination of the keyboard. When that goes away we have really moved into fast intelligent technology.

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